Yes! I was sorta wondering what I liked about this app. It's like the gratitude journal that I keep hearing I should start. I find myself thinking more about the little things that bring me joy in the everyday.
Dunno how Tyler cracked the code but somehow I’m looking at a feed of gratitude lists instead of doom scrolling passive agressive buckshot that wants me to kill myself. This is the best thing on the internet since tumblr.
Feb 1, 2024

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What I love about this app is that it feels like a digital cliff off of which to shout your delights in the hope that others hear, and delight in them to! Thus if you like this app I think you’ll LOVE this book! Over a year Ross Gay wrote a lil essayette almost everyday to exercise his “finding delight” muscle, and reading it is a beautiful reminder that more delight lays on the other side of just tuning in a bit more🍓🥳 This lil app feels like an accountability app for communal delight, which I would highly highly recommend to Mr. Ross Gay himself.
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