little co-rec: if anyone's interested in more literature along these lines, SPARK by John Ratey is a book i read in a PE independent study in high school (bc i didn't want to take gym my last semester) that makes a very compelling argument for integrating physical exercise in your life as a solution to mental health issues. comes to similar conclusions in regard to SSRIs and really any medication in that they can't compare to the results that actually using your body can give you. it really changed my perspective on exercise because i think physical exercise is wrapped up in 'self-improvement' when in reality it should be seen as self-care. and to bring it back to dancing: this is physical exercise that really connects you with the spirit in you and those around you, something that is undeniably a form of care
a study issued last month found that dancing is the most effective way of treating and mitigating depression. Walking, therapy, and yoga also outpaced SSRIs. and if you're saying 'oh this was probably funded by Big Dance', there's no evidence of that and if you're saying 'that's just what a Big Dance shill would say', well honey you're right
recommendation image
Mar 4, 2024
Mar 31, 2024

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