i only journal when i feel like i actually need to - if i had a good day that i want to remember the details of, or if i'm having a hard time emotionally and need to vent my feelings. i don't force myself or set a routine in order to avoid autopilot mode. once i started thinking of journalling like that as opposed to a habit i needed to keep up with, i actually started doing it more frequently!! made me really take notice of what i'd like to write about/remember in my days!!
May 10, 2024

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this is only a habit i have picked up in the last year, but it has made a world of difference. i will write about things that i am thinking about or stuff i need to do or just chronicle my day. i just find it very grounding or like a reset to my thought processes.
Nov 25, 2024
always thought i had to wait for my life to be amazing to start writing it down...turns out it was already pretty cool and i regret all the stuff i can't remember anymore. also just a helpful mental practice to get your thoughts out of your brain and on some paper so you don't have to worry about holding them all in there. spending extra time thinking about positive moments in your life is also a good way to help your brain default to positive thinking more often, like building a muscle. i make it fun by cutting and pasting a bunch of pictures and stuff so it feels like a craft instead of a chore, otherwise i won't really do it.
Jun 30, 2024
Why are u writing? To know urself, to sort through ur thoughts, ideas and feelings? To be a better writer? I think knowing the ‘why’ can point u in a direction for the ‘how’ and ‘what’ to write about.  I handwrite in a journal, black fine liner so I commit to my words and can’t erase. I’m not afraid to rip pages, sometimes I colour and draw in it cuz that’s expression too. I do not censor myself but try to get at what I’m really feeling. As true as true statements as I can make them, trying to be as clear as possible. I do not edit and wont let anybody ever see it - this keeps it sacred and honest. You’ll know when u write out something true and important cuz you’ll feel it. The suggestion to write out the surface happenings to get at the insightful ones is a good one.  Routine is key like building any habit…though I journal whenever I want to cuz I love it, not as something to check off a list. That’s the real reason I’ve been doing it as long as I have and as consistently.  Best of luck to u ❤️
Apr 27, 2024

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