Why are u writing? To know urself, to sort through ur thoughts, ideas and feelings? To be a better writer? I think knowing the ‘why’ can point u in a direction for the ‘how’ and ‘what’ to write about.
I handwrite in a journal, black fine liner so I commit to my words and can’t erase. I’m not afraid to rip pages, sometimes I colour and draw in it cuz that’s expression too. I do not censor myself but try to get at what I’m really feeling. As true as true statements as I can make them, trying to be as clear as possible. I do not edit and wont let anybody ever see it - this keeps it sacred and honest. You’ll know when u write out something true and important cuz you’ll feel it. The suggestion to write out the surface happenings to get at the insightful ones is a good one.
Routine is key like building any habit…though I journal whenever I want to cuz I love it, not as something to check off a list. That’s the real reason I’ve been doing it as long as I have and as consistently.
Best of luck to u ❤️