the last word i wrote down in my list is maelstrom! i think i have like 100 words written down, some of them repeated without meaning to... i like words a lot and there are many i wish to remember and immortalize. what’s a word you never want to forget?
the last word i wrote down in my list is maelstrom! i think i have like 100 words written down, some of them repeated without meaning to... i like words a lot and there are many i wish to remember and immortalize. what’s a word you never want to forget?
Such a joyful use of the notes app to monitor the small things that bring me joy. Some entries have included: Big hugs wearing puffy coats; Getting drunker than planned with a friend because you’re having too much fun gabbing at the table so you keep drinking just to stay; Amtrak’s cancellation policy; When a fitness instructor tells me I’m strong; A dirty martini with a random ingredient; An uncomplicated bodega turkey sandwich; the parkour scene in Casino Royale; gossip about a place you used to work; crowded movie theater laughter
i loveee journaling a good way for me not to get bored is to list things down instead of just writing. and you can rlly list like anything u want :). ive done affirmations, goals, favorite things,etc.
in my city the grocery stores we have that ik arent everywhere r publix and winn-dixie. and for gas stations there r gate and circle k. i was just talking abt it w my friends in kentucky and i had never even thought abt different states gas stations 😭.