so often i see folks in left-of-center spaces internalize the idea that they're "just a little guy." they make being the permanent opposition a core part of their self-image, and in their obsession with performing that opposition, they completely lose sight of the fact that the point of opposing the existing institutions and those who defend them is to replace them with our own institutions - ones that we will then be responsible for defending. no matter what your domain of interest is - media, academia, politics, technology, journalism, culture, or whatever else - it's simply not enough to spend all your time critiquing the dominant institutions, and it's also probably not necessary; most people already agree that they're shit. instead, you need to be spending that time and effort imagining what your alternative is going to look like, and how to make it more compelling, more durable, and more just than what we already have.
Dec 11, 2024

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