If you’re bored and enjoy learning (about ANYTHING), I cannot stress this enough—watch video essays on YouTube!! My favorites: Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints) and Abigail Thorn (Philosophy Tube)… bear in mind that these are more philosophical and political topics, so if that doesn’t interest you, look for some on topics that do!! There are many brilliant creators out there and you’ll learn so much from them! I keep a notebook to take notes in while I watch them (which helps me retain information and I can—and do—refer back to it) ;)
Jan 12, 2025

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Related Recs

The video essay space is so oversaturated and there are a lot of people that don’t really have opinions or evidence they just repeat stuff but here are some people that make insightful video essays in my opinion and some recs for videos to watch the stars are for my fav channels tv/movies/pop culture Big Joel Broey deschanel - love the saltburn video Cj the x - very chaotic but insightful videos on a range of topics Friendly space ninja Jane mulcahy - has great videos on hallmark movies Jenny Nicholson * - yes the videos are long but i have watched them all multiple timea Lindsay ellis * Lola Sebastian * - her videos on cannibalism, tennis and James franco are amazing Mina le * - love her recent video on the evil symbolism of milk - she talks a lot about fashion as well Pop culture detective - breaks down tropes like harmless peeping and “born sexy yesterday” Princess weekes - media analysis from an intersectional perspective Sarah z - I’m not always familiar with the media but it’s always interesting Sloan Stowe * Skip intro * - great videos on copaganda The morbid zoo - great videos on the sound of freedom and civil war Verilybitchie - love the video on Spider-Man and class Yhara zayd - haven’t always seen the relevant movies but every video is very insightful and well put Social commentary/politics/philosophy Alice cappelle Intelexual media * - so underrated she discusses history sociology and pop culture with a focus on black women Olisunvia Philosophy tube Contrapoints - love the twilight video Shanspeare * Miscellaneous/informative Bobby broccoli - amazing videos about science scandals that are interesting even if you have no special knowledge about science like me Horses * knowing better- analysis of religious groups and history Kaz rowe - great videos on a range on crazy phenomenons from a range of historical periods Lemmino - animated videos about various mysteries Merafromyoutube - K-pop analysis Micthesnare - music history and commentary extra: last week tonight with John Oliver - not exactly video essays but very well researched and funny deep dives into a range of topics Sorry this list is so long I apparently watch a lot of video essays Anyway hope this list is helpful <3
Jan 7, 2025
recommendation image
Currently getting through Dan Olson/Folding Idea’s latest video. All of his stuff is great and thoroughly well researched. Some of my fave videos of his: Tuca & Bertie, Flat Earth, and *his critique* of the Nostalgia Critic's *critique* of The Wall by Pink Floyd - his videos on NFTs and The Metaverse are fantastic too In no particular order, here's some more YouTubers I'm subbed to: (would love to write up a paragraph for each of them but don't want to take up too much space!) Princess Weekes: https://www.youtube.com/@Princess_Weekes/videos Jenny Nicholson: https://www.youtube.com/@JennyNicholson/videos Defunctland: https://www.youtube.com/@Defunctland/videos Khadija Mbowe: https://www.youtube.com/@KhadijaMbowe/videos Lisa Fevral: https://www.youtube.com/@LisaFevral/videos Any Austin: https://www.youtube.com/@any_austin/videos Shesez: https://www.youtube.com/@BoundaryBreak/videos Leo Vader: https://www.youtube.com/@LeoVader/videos Yhara Zayd: https://www.youtube.com/@Yharazayd/videos ModernGurlz: https://www.youtube.com/@ModernGurlz/videos Mina Le: https://www.youtube.com/@gremlita/videos PushingUpRoses: https://www.youtube.com/@pushinguproses/videos Maggie Mae Fish: https://www.youtube.com/@MaggieMaeFish/videos hbomberguy: https://www.youtube.com/@hbomberguy/videos withcindy: https://www.youtube.com/@withcindy/videos Evasive: https://www.youtube.com/@EvasiveOne/videos Team Starkid: https://www.youtube.com/@starkid/videos Hildegard Von Blingin’: https://www.youtube.com/@Hildegardvonblingin/videos
Jan 26, 2025
Commentary/ video essays/ analysis, etc.: because these keep me from having my own opinions, prevent my brain from having wrinkles in it, and I enjoy them. Content about current topics in general: 1. Uncarley 2. D'angelo Wallace. 3. Tee Noir. 4. Shanspeare. 5. Philosophy Tube . 6. ContraPoints. Journalistic content/ documentaries: 1. CHUPPL. 2. Defunctland. Content primarily centered around movies and shows: 1. Yhara Zayd. 2. elle literacy. 3. Trin Lovell. 4. Friendly Space Ninja. Content centered around fashion: HauteLeMode. Booktubers: because I love to read. They are not as numerous because I'm picky with the personalities I take recommendations from. 1. Shawn Mccomb. 2. Ana Wallace Johnson. 3. Csop. Note: I also recommend Uncarley's videos. She started as a booktuber but pivoted into more of a commentary channel. However I love her recommendations still. Podcasts: 1. Girl Historians: A Comedy Podcast: each season they talk about different topics. It's two seasons so far. First one was about the the sinking of the Titanic. Currently they're talking about the Salem Witch Trials. 2. NickyandCoco: they talk about people and/or brands in the entertainment industry and how they have gotten a push through the lens of marketing. It's been very educational. 3. BroskiReport: another comedy podcast I love. 4. Rebuttal Podcast: Reb Masel goes in depth about cases that the public may not know about, contributing to this true-crime podcast through her perspective as a lawyer. Vloggers: they have a special place in my heart because this is how i learned English and it’s a method I’ve used with the other languages I’ve been learning. 1. Hannah Elise. 2. Nailea Devora. 3. Kennedy Walsh. 4. Avrey Ovard. 5. Emma Chamberlain.
Feb 22, 2024

Top Recs from @eleanorthomas

I started collecting postcards a couple of years ago, and I now have two photo albums filled with them! They’re from all over and many of them are gifts from others as well. I also tend to use them as wall decor! My favorites are all pieces from art history—one of my favorite disciplines of study as both an artist and a historian ;) most bookstores sell them, especially used bookstores! They’re a really fun item to collect as they each hold geographical and contextual significance in different ways!
Jan 13, 2025
I may be biased as I am a history student—however I cannot stress the importance of history enough. “History” as a discipline may seem quite vague, and it may well be, however through that it can be applied to any field of study. History (accompanied by philosophy) is the foundation of every living discipline and understanding it will help you succeed in your respective field. Studying history builds critical, analytical, and philosophical thinking skills, makes you far more culturally literate, and helps you understand yourself, other people, yourself in relation to other people, and your environment. Study history, it is exponentially important! You may apply this to any context of your choosing—for example, if you are interested in physics, you may be curious to understand the history of the field. Or, you may be curious about the history of “History”, and you may be interested to learn that it did not even emerge as a discipline of its own until the 19th century, thanks to Leopold von Ranke!
Jan 13, 2025