had a moment of clarity- why tf am I following these people? Why do i care? time to emotionally detach from social media i think. i shouldn’t be getting dopamine from other people’s lives i should find it in my own.
Jan 18, 2025

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“COMPARISON IS THE THIEF OF JOY” “DISCARD ANYTHING THAT DOESN’T SPARK JOY.” You don’t need to have these people in your life. Unless they make you laugh or give you wisdom, their content has no value to you. I followed so many people because of their expensive interesting clothing, aesthetic pictures of places I’m not going to go to, and features of their appearance that I don’t have. If not for social media, their life would not be connected to mine at all! Your life is fine, as is theirs, social media isn’t real. I haven’t unfollowed all of them yet…maybe some day. Clicking that unfollow button feels pretty freeing. I’m going to be a careful mindful brainy netizen in this life. So goodbye niche internet micro-celebrities, parting is such sweet sorrow.
Mar 3, 2024
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i do this every once in a while. especially when i feel a sudden sense of impending doom or overwhelming responsibility. or when i just feel like i need to hear/see less information. and maybe have an extra certain degree of choice in what im being exposed to on a daily. just less noise in life. feels great to detach from it all sometimes. find myself asking the question, “how are you?” out of genuine curiosity rather than obligatory small talk. it’s scary how much we can end up relying on social media to give us a false sense of personal connection with others. excluding this app ofc. bc it doesn’t make me feel like my brain is rotting.
Apr 16, 2024
do y’all ever think about getting off social media but then you worry about how you’ll keep in touch with your friends? i’ve been thinking about this a lot bc i wanna delete ig but it’s where i talk to some of my rly close friends. i hate that it monopolizes connection like that. but i also had this realization that like the people i follow/follow me on ig are not “friends” they’re just superficial connections. real, deep, long meaningful relationships (which i’m craving) i think do require me to get the fuck offline and take the time i was mindlessly scrolling and putting it back into myself or my friends is where i’ll see the greatest positive feedback. and being PRESENT in those relationships. i feel like this is what that book the dopamine generation is about butttttt haven’t read it yet.
Feb 4, 2025

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