climbing trees
getting friends together for a field day
picnics in the sunÂ
fresh berries
slow morning snugglin
when you think of someone at the same time they’re thinking of youÂ
seeing a shooting star
finishing a song
exploring a new thrift storeÂ
singing and dancing and laughing
a morning bun and a flat whiteÂ
swimming in the sea
the color red
- my cat greeting me at the door when i get home
- seeing/hearing my friends laugh
- being just the right amount of warm under a blanketÂ
- hearing a song i really like for the first time
- the faint smell of smoke after i put a candle out
- watching fireflies at sunset in the summertime
- wearing a good pair of perfectly worn in jeans
- finding an album at the record store i didn’t think i’d be able to find
- the sun warming my back on a chilly day
- looking at light filter through the trees on a bright day
sleeping outside, being on a hike all alone and just hearing the wind in the trees and waterfalls and birds. looking at the moon. watching the clouds go by. seeing my own breath when it's cold outside. letting rain hit my face. buying a slice of pie and coffee at a little diner. making a giant pot of soup.
touching grass, blades between toes, dappled shade beneath the trees, reading a book or quietly painting or people-watching or picnicking with a friend...babes, there is nothing like it
there’s a vintage store that i’ve been visiting in my dreams for years. sometimes it’s filled with the best finds imaginable, sometimes it’s kind of bare. the worst is when i show up and they’re closed.