Since I started using PI.FYI last month, I've posted 100 times in three weeks—a combo of asks and recs.
Sidebar: I think there's not too much or too little posting. You could post dozens of times daily or you could never post at all, and if it is the right fit for you, then good! — Embrace the right fit for you and shun any kind of comparisons with anyone or any false self bullshit measuring sticks.
For me one hundred posts in three weeks is prodigious. A casual scan back at my usage of other social media type sites—Fartbook, Instabutt, Substack Nuts, etc—shows that it would have taken several years to hit three digits.
Something about this space—which I think is the most exciting online place since 2020-era Substack, RIP—has re-sparked that creative community spirit.
I love:
- the people
- the structure that is organized around asking and offering
- the fact that I've picked up stupendously great advice on a whole range of things — from notebooks to health tips to life hacks and new music and books and so much more
- the sincerity: I've seen this recced before, yes! — maybe this is #1