We squeezed our way out through a sliding glass door onto the tiny balcony, standing facing each other, then lowering ourselves to sit on the concrete floor. He handed me the glass stem and I gently bit down, holding it between my teeth; he packed steel wool and a rock into the end and cupped it with his hands like he would a cigarette, protecting it from the wind to light it—so close to my face now. I sucked in air as he chivalrously held the flickering flame of his lighter to the tip. “You’re a doll,” he said in his smooth deep voice, then seemingly winced at himself, his typical bravado cracking in an instant. I looked at him for a beat, smiled knowingly, rolled my eyes, and cast them down and to the side. We sat there in the cool air of a rare desert rain under gloomy skies, mostly in silence—watching the pedestrians on the sidewalk below, passing the hot pipe back and forth between our hands and lips and trying not to burn our fingers. It was the closest we ever came to touching.
Feb 20, 2025

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This one’s my fav so far
Feb 20, 2025
imkhushi thank you dearest it’s mine too 💐
Feb 20, 2025
Feb 20, 2025
Disclaimer: drugs are bad mm-kay…
Feb 20, 2025

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Sep 17, 2024
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Sep 30, 2024
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Feb 23, 2025
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