not reccomending it so much as predicting it. i have no clue what's happening over there politically or economically but if it's even marginally better that the us we are about to get culturally walloped. i think they will breath new life into things that we've already done ala brit pop but i also feel like the stars may align and they might make another beatles. if gen x had sex and the city, millenials had girls, and gen z had euphoria (only claiming season 1), i feel like gen alpha's zeitgeist show will be set in london. white americans have been really into ireland recently so i think they'll also get a slice of the cake

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i agree i think it'll actually be that uk rap dominates the us airwaves, the uk underground rap scene is particularly exciting atm (although i feel like the allure is not too far from souring) and will get the kinda hype that carti and his boys got. but uk music rn just in general is in a good place imo.
5d ago

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Theory of this moment for me: The British invasion stuck the first knife in, and hippies twisted it long enough to rupture the jugular
Mar 30, 2024
The year itself sucked ass, of course. but I always argue that 2004 was the year we fully and totally switched over from Gen X to Millennial mass culture and became fully submerged in millennial zeitgeist as the default. Highlights include: -Mean Girls and Napoleon Dynamite (Mean girls for Boys) come out, forever ousting the Road Trip/American Pie Gen X comedy dynamic -The Simpsons and South Park fading as Adult Swim style anti-comedy comes into focus -George Bush reelected, solidifying millennial callousness towards most federal institutions I guess the "rec" is just paying attention to these kinds of longer-term tidal changes in culture. It makes me feel like a wise man of the mountain when I tell 20 year olds about shit from before they were born
Aug 7, 2024

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we're losing the holy war to virgins and wattpaders. males would rather spend an evening watching sissy hypno jois than fucking a real life woman. lesbian cinema has been plagued by the yearndemic as if hollywood can't imagine two women wanting to go at it nasty style. all the fasion forcasters are saying oversized utilitarian shlop is in for 2025. dating apps practically let you mail order cock to your house and yet we're fucking less than ever. what the fuck is going on? when reagan was in office robert mapplethorpe taking photos of a guy in a gimp suit with a cum guzzling tube coming from his mouth. we need that back. i think latex is one of the few materials that trancends the digital hellscape we're living in right now. it engages the senses. you can look at a photo of someone wearing latex and know exactly what it smells like and tastes like and feels like. it's the closest one can get to nudity while being fully clothed. it tantalizes because it relies so heavily on implication. in an era where you can get on the internet and view 4k photos of body parts the victorians only saw after a decade of marriage, latex delays gratification by forcing the observer to fill in the blanks. the people in office are trying to scrub the earth of anything they find perverse and replace artists with thieving robots who only work because of the centuries of human creativity that came before them. fantasy is one of the only things unique to human sexuality. we need to be reveling in it, not supressing it!!!
heaven on earth. skin cancer was created by big air conditioning to take away your god given right to bake all day long once it hits 65+
Mar 16, 2024
love love love the feeling of stripping down to my skivvies and/or my birthday suit bc my brain knows im going to one of my three favorite places: bed, the beach, or poundtown
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