ya girl is about to write a whole ass case about transhumanism life is so beautiful then iā€™m gonna make a zine or maybe im gonna try to make salt clay and make a little sculpture i have only been awake for one hour and fourteen minutes, watching severance behind my girlfriends back ( itā€™s so good ) and i just finished a massive essay that im honestly really proud of. im drowning in work, its no question, but im really appreciative of my day so far.
3d ago

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i ā¤ļø severance
3d ago

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iā€™m getting a promotion at work effective september ā˜ŗ itā€™s really nice bc this is the first job iā€™ve had that iā€™ve liked (even if the pay and hours arenā€™t great) as its adjacent to the arts and not retail or food (iā€™ve done it all and those sort of jobs were detrimental to my mental health). also i need the moola bad. thatā€™s basically all thatā€™s making sense right now. outside of that, i have no idea whatā€™s going onā€¦i'm very much coasting through life but not in a chill cruise control sort of way. not to be THAT person, but the astrology for my birth chart (mainly my gemini sun) warned of stagnation, taking things slow and lower energy. iā€™m very much feeling the lower energy but i have a plethora of things i want to work on. i have so many ideas for paintings and drawings and writing but i canā€™t wrap my head around any of it right now. feeling almost imposter syndrome-like but i don't like that term and it doesnā€™t quite describe how iā€™m feeling. iā€™m also really antsy for some changes in scenery ā˜¹ gonna do my best to try and get out the house more. i set a goal for myself to make a new friend or two before the end of the year <3 so thatā€™s that, goal setting, pay raise, creating (hopefully soon), trying to stay afloat and reading the starsā€¦
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Feb 13, 2024
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Feb 28, 2025

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I've been told that people in the army do more by 7:00 AM than I do in an entire day, but if I wake at 6:59 AM and turn to you to trace the outline of your lips with mine, I will have done enough and killed no one in the process. - 6:59 AM by Shane Koyczan we take love for granted, and i do more than anyone. i find it so beautiful that there is one pair of flesh and bones and eyes and a mouth that truly do belong at the top of the hierarchy. she is perfection and love in itself, and i remind myself that to be stagnant to unproductive may never be my fate if my day is long spent loving her.
Feb 11, 2025
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i forgot my headphones at home. i was about to either 1) pump black country new road 2) watch brooklyn 99. i miss being passionate about things, not being able to sleep, eat, speak, or fathom anything beyond the apple of my eye and the fruit of my thoughts. i miss waking up with one thing in mind, how i would explore it that day, and how i would explore it the next itā€™s been people itā€™s been sewing guitar driving religion philosophy photography writing filming blogging i think, regardless of any tik tok data explosion with the intention of ripping out each of my brain cells to keep me submissive and docile because of a wrecked attention span, iā€™m not a girl of her commitments- i get bored. and i am bored. i feel this lack of passion so deeply in my body, its been a catalyst for the recent crashouts ive had ( and thereā€™s been plenty) i donā€™t know how to stay, and work hard, and allow myself to grow to what i want to be right in this instance. not to shine my own shoes, but iā€™m not super used to being bad at things. iā€™ve always always always coasted, and now that im trying to be a gaf (give a fuck) filled girl, ive realized, sucking at something hurts a lot more when youā€™ve put in the work to be good at it. if it wasnā€™t me writing this, and my best friend called me and told me this word for word, i would tell her how normal that feeling was, and that she herself knew what to do; commit. and that is my advice, dear sweet amalia, commit, commit, commit.
Feb 18, 2025