
25yr old ceramist trying to function
JoinedJanuary 22, 2025
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I can never hold a grudge or hurt people on purpose. I just don't have that bone in me. I don't get into romantic relationships not because I dont want to, on the contrary sharing the experience of love and being a human sounds wonderful. I pour my heart and soul into my friends which results in me not being friends with just whomever enters my life. I love getting to know people and the little details. Sometimes people mistake this for being naive. No, I just care about the people I love and cherish moments. I'm ride or die type of person. Recently I find myself being like FINE I'LL BE NONCHALANT AND PLAY THE SHALLOW SOCIAL GAME DYNAMICS. fuck it's hard though.
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Jan 22, 2025
Not the plain tiles, the decorated ones. It's just so charming
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Jan 18, 2025
the time will pass and the memories will be tender
Feb 5, 2024
Why dont we put pictures in locket necklaces anymore? People have literally kept strands of hair or blood and anything that reminds them of a loved one around their necks in history. It needs to be a thing again.
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Jan 22, 2025
I teach pottery and tbh it doesn't pay well. I've noticed that upper middle class people come alot. I wish it were more accessible because it really helps you get out of your head.
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Jan 22, 2025
I've come to accept the fact that we are all living in our own sisyphus world. The concept of time which I cant seem to grasp surrounds me with it's intoxicating pink haze, I wake up and I'm 25 BARELY SURVIVING. But I have experienced depression and trauma and I am sooo tired of revisiting that blackhole. I HAVE TO SHOW UP FOR MYSELF. Executive dysfunction fucks me over while partnering with narcolepsy. But I refuse to succumb to the bittersweet melancholy. I'm holding myself accountable. No excuses. Parents aren't in my life and I'm dirt poor. But I believe in myself. That hope and effort gives me life. I fucking love life and I'm done hiding from it (also done with being a crybaby).
Jan 22, 2025