Phebe Pierson

what’s it all about 😺
JoinedJanuary 24, 2024
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extend the life of your clothes by covering holes or stains with embroidery floss and yarn while giving them new cool zombie flair! you don’t even have to be neat, the more imperfect the weave the more organic the result. the best mended garments are almost fungal, covered in sick multi-colored lichen.
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Feb 8, 2025
I caved to the ads and got a Brick to help me curb my social media usage. So far (it’s been about a week) so good. While my overall screen time hasn’t taken a huge hit, I can already tell this thing is going to help! It’s brought my attention to how frequently I compulsively reach for my phone, and works to block me from apps while I’m working (blows the Apple screen time function out of the water). Something about having to physically get up and go tap my phone against it to unlock REALLY works for me (read: I’m lazy). I’ve already been reading a lot more in the past year and I’m hoping this will help me add writing to my roster of activities. I’d like to train myself to pick up a book, notebook, or project instead of my phone as much as possible. Anyway, if you've been thinking about getting one of these, I recommend it :)
Jan 31, 2025
I love owning a drill and other tools. it’s so nice to be able to just get stuff done (when I eventually get myself together to do it). I bought my drill for $50 like 12 years ago and it came with a set of bits and it’s been useful ever since. This week I installed a cat window seat and an indoor clothesline. Other essential tools I use constantly - tape measure, box cutter, hammer Tool I wish I had - pliers (I only have tiny beading ones), wire cutters, stud finder Tool I don’t use but is fun - antique hand crank drill. I should use it.
Jan 31, 2025
Let me start by saying I have not ever watched her show(s?) but that as a New Yorker they haunt me because they’re simply always filming somewhere nearby. I was on the subway and the car I was in was empty except a family, mom and dad and a couple kids. I recognized the father as the extremely tall and handsome love interest in Younger, which was airing at the time (Peter Hermann). Then I noticed his wife and thought to myself, wow what a gorgeous family, who IS she. Rapid Google post subway revealed my ignorance.
Dec 12, 2024
One of the best Christmas albums, one of my favorite Beach Boys albums— and the first one I heard in full. “Merry Christmas, Baby” is so perfect. plus the Christmas with The Beach Boys compilation has more xmas songs they did added on, all worth it.
Dec 10, 2024
Do I really need to make a case for this? The voices you know and love from reruns during childhood (bugs bunny, Tweety Bird, Elmer Fudd, etc), singing your favorite Christmas tunes with that signature cartoonish but dry looney tunes sense of humor. An essential in my family’s christmas experience. Indelible memories made to this one.
Dec 10, 2024
Went on my 17th birthday. Ok so the movie itself isn’t “good” obviously but can’t beat the experience. The whole theater was in stitches watching emo Peter Parker, it was so much fun. When he dances?! iconic
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Dec 10, 2024
Lemon and/or lime juice (a liberal amount, like juice of a full lemon) Maple syrup Seltzer Elite!!! Basically just fizzy lemonade but sooo good. My friend started making this during the pandemic when we were living together and it was our drink of 2020 (other than wine lol)
Dec 10, 2024
Keep your hot beverage hot as you leisurely sip it for as long as you want. Elevates the Desk Experience and prevents microwave reheating
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Dec 10, 2024
I just returned from Paris today! Was there for 5 days. Here are some places that are bangin. Du Pain et des Idées - great bakery. Went to the one on Rue Yves Toudic but there is another Au Passage restaurant - small plates, neighborhood vibe, just delicious everything La musée de la chasse et de la nature - bonkers taxidermy and curiosities museum themed around nature and hunting, in an interesting and not totally glorifying hunting kind of way. Stunning curation, interesting art and artifacts. Sainte Chappelle - if you can deal with the lines (buy a ticket in advance) this was very worth it to me. Thanx God I’m a VIP - excellent thrift store. Menswear next door. La Forge restaurant in the 5th - another neighborhood place. Went a couple years ago and I’m still thinking about the duck legs confit and pavlova.
Nov 30, 2024