I caved to the ads and got a Brick to help me curb my social media usage. So far (it’s been about a week) so good. While my overall screen time hasn’t taken a huge hit, I can already tell this thing is going to help! It’s brought my attention to how frequently I compulsively reach for my phone, and works to block me from apps while I’m working (blows the Apple screen time function out of the water). Something about having to physically get up and go tap my phone against it to unlock REALLY works for me (read: I’m lazy).
I’ve already been reading a lot more in the past year and I’m hoping this will help me add writing to my roster of activities. I’d like to train myself to pick up a book, notebook, or project instead of my phone as much as possible.
Anyway, if you've been thinking about getting one of these, I recommend it :)