
PhDing at Cornell. Your friendly neighborhood house party cowboy.
JoinedApril 16, 2024
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how gentle of us to make a wish on a star or an eyelash or a dandelion - what a beautiful way to dream so big and so casually. it’s free, you’re free!
Jan 26, 2025
Just saw him and Leon Bridges in Dallas last weekend and I've listened to his two latest albums everyday since. I can't stop. He's such a talent imo. Another country artist (smaller fs) I've been listening to a lot recently is Levi Turner. His new song that came out today is gonna be in the rotation for a minute I can tell.
Nov 22, 2024
Just started it a few days ago and it's very good. If you liked the latest movie, you'd like this a ton. It's fun, visually interesting, hilarious, and is bingeable if you're into that kinda thing.
recommendation image
Nov 22, 2024
I catch up on my favorite TV shows, watch movies I’ve been meaning to watch, call my friends I haven’t spoken to in a minute, etc. It’s easy to push off the more frivolous things that still bring us joy and sick days are a great excuse to be “unproductive,” lay back, and chill out. Eat (soup), drink (tea), and be merry. Raising the spirits heals the body.
Nov 15, 2024
If I didn't like it then why would I do it all the time?
Nov 13, 2024
best believe the chismosa in me was #activated and it’s always fun to see someone else’s reactions to what they’re watching
Nov 13, 2024
The Internet used to be a place we didn't have constant access to like we do now, and it's almost hard to remember that world. Months ago, I deleted all my social media apps to try and lower my screen time. When that wasn't enough, I got a flip phone. When that stopped being conducive to my quality of life in our "smartphone or bust" chronically online society, I returned to the social media appless iPhone I had before. I'm not an "I don't have social media person," though. I use and and and it's great. I "go online" exclusively on my laptop, and I think is such an awesome website! It's social networking more than it's social media to me, and I'm not sure how many other sites I acknowledge the distinction with. Shout out to everyone on here (and the staff ofc). This is a very cool cyberspace to occupy.
Nov 13, 2024
It’s so mesmerizing how the light shines through the glass w all its patterns and colors
Nov 12, 2024
The best course of action tbh. The worst the news the longer the shower. You’ll come out of it feeling renewed fr.
Nov 8, 2024
Really recommend living. You can live out of spite for two years easy. After that was when the joy set in for me.
Really recommend living. You can live out of spite for two years easy. After that was when the joy set in for me.