the environmental themes, the stunning visuals, the grandiose soundtrack, there is so much you can get out of this movie on many levels. the most impactful story for me was Ashitaka’s.
i think everyone should watch it, as it has a lot of themes that are relevant today. and it’s just cool! the action is so creative and the soundtrack and animation is incredible.
(spoilers below ⬇)
ashitaka having to leave his family and community despite the love they have for one another due to the disease of hate, that will one day kill him. traveling alone with no one else to understand his experience or relate to. having to overcome the disease of hate, even needing to give mercy to the ppl that caused him to be ripped from his family and cause his death sentence... so sad :( but also i relate strongly with his character arc. i always connected to it from a perspective of being an lgbtq person. but, i think it could apply to a lot of perspectives.
in conclusion, he so me. 🌀