This app is getting all my creative juices flowing for all possible uses of this…. We could recommend helpful mindset/lifestyle shifts & ask and IBD related questions! Poopy problem people unite!!! This disease is beyond complex. I’ve been diagnosed with UC since 2010, got my colon removed in 2014, and have had my j pouch since 2015. I had 2 additional surgeries from 2018-2020. I’m currently undergoing new painful shifts and feeling beyond frustrated. I do have an entire YouTube channel dedicated to pain-relief guided meditations, yoga classes, and videos of me talking about my poopy problems: sharing tips and venting to those who understand. So if any of that sounds interesting / helpful to you, it’s alll out there🤪 (ps the link to my YouTube channel is in the 'website' link in this profile) Anyways, a new platform like this excites me. Let’s chat and halp eachuver💩❤️🩹 -are you on any medications? -are you in remissions? -what things help you most with physical symptoms? -what helps most with emotional coping? Sorry SO many thoughts LOL answer whatever you feel called to😅