? 👟 ?

or do you think a good chunk of people are faking it? (obvs we're just being hyperbolic, i kno some will genuinely enjoy it, just being dramatic) after my last quesh (the replies to which were hilarious, luv y'all ur great), more than one person said they were not down for a hiking date, and it got me thinking...does anybody actually like doing that? is there a more, like, ulterior motive like that makes more sense? is it like alcoholics or drug addicts that turn to marathon running? maybe it's just because i've been on one too many dating apps or friend dating apps where one too many people list that as one of their interests and i'm like...there's no way ALL of you genuinely like it. some of you gotta be bluffing. fess up. i will find you.

Apr 22, 2024

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