? ❤️‍🩹 ?

i would really like a crush. the in person crush AND dating app crush search is not working. i’m never super attracted to the people who flirt with me in person and even when i‘m like ah fuck it whatever i’ll give it a go they fumble and don’t ask. dating apps we all know are BAD but oh my god it’s BAD. i added someone on insta and that mf watches every one of my stories but no message. i messaged him first only for him to leave me on read. one guy i thought was a catfish only to do some insta stalking and find his official insta… and his fiancée. i’m constantly fighting allegations that i’ve got a roster, men trying inviting me over no date and i don’t understand how i (a sweet innocent looking bambi like angel) have got to this place? i want to relate to imogen heap goodnight and go so bad. SOMEONE HOLD MY HAND. SOMEONE ASK NICELY TO KISS ME. PLEASE how are yall finding love in these conditions ?

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