⚖️ I’m a High school student. I know get how annoying it is when you’re asked constantly “What do you want to do when you grow up?” But I genuinely don’t think many people my age know what they are doing with themselves. I don’t see a lot of passionate people. Personally, I’m passionate about Film, Art, Comics and so on. But besides a few people who are considered ‘weird’ kids, everyone else acts like having a general investment or interest in something is ‘nerdy’ or ‘cringe.’ I heard one kid reply to the question with ‘I don’t know, I’ll probably just be a stripper, lol.’ And there’s nothing wrong with people who do that as a profession, but my problem more so is that why a high school student is thinking that that’s what they should spend the rest of their life doing. I hate the whole ‘cool’ and ‘nonchalant’ stereotype people think they need to uphold to be ‘popular’ or just generally liked. That being interested in a media or concept makes you weird and looked down upon. I don’t know if this is all schools, or just the fact I’m in a small-suburb public school. I’m aware it’s not a first-world-problem, but when kids think doing drugs thats going to ruin their life down the road is cooler then actually trying to pursue a future, I feel like that’s a concern. P.S This may sound whiny. I’m very tired :)