(Dictionary suggests wayside by itself is not a verb... I think it should be. In any case, you know what I mean) Whilst pursuing the new, desired path I still have to allocate personal resource towards learning skills for my existing job remit, because it's not as if I'm a superstar at it, plus I am to "have a life"!?!? There isn't enough of me for that? --- I've typically self-described "practical", and so ditched hobbies and such at the first sniff of obligation: exams? Study 24/7. Unemployed? Apply 24/7. Truthfully, fear and anxiety - rather less impressive than observance of duty, I suppose - are motivators too, but that's a convo for another time and probably place... ... But I'm resolved to this time maintain some of myself whilst on this journey. I have hardly cultivated my social life and personal pursuits nearly as much as I'd like to have. ... Which actually just makes it all the more embarrassing that my career isn't nearly where I'd like it either, so yeah. At least above, I've shown I have what I expect (presume) is a commonly agreed upon foundation towards achieving my objective: be mentally aware of the importance of it (keeping in touch with oneself whilst appreciating practicalities). In fact, I'm too damn aware... It's piercing and overwhelming, not nurturing and guiding. Easier said than done to embrace the journey and not chastise oneself for not (yet?) being at the destination. --- Anyway, it's not a sea change ... is rather related .. but still is ultimately a different career, with distinct tools and techniques. Not envious of anyone seeking something completely new ... Wishing you the best if so