Okay I work a job where I’m headphones in for like 8 hours so need something relatively bingeable (please no true crime I’m over it) learning is cool umm ive listened to all the obvious stuff (this American life radiolab etc) leftist politics appreciated (pod save America doesn’t count sorry to the poli sci bros also this isn’t really a red scare vibes platform but dont rec me red scare please lmao) for calibration some favorites are -Love + Radio -You’re Wrong About -Binchtopia -TrueAnon -Heavyweight but I think it’s hard to binge -I used to be a huge You Must Remember This girlie but sort of fell off -just remembered hardcore history exists might have to revisit -Crime Show was so good RIP (also this is only sort of true crime dont come for me) -I’ve been listening to some tech won’t save us but like I can only do so much of that in one sitting -Polyester Podcast -Myths and Legends is so soothing to me