where/when did you get it? was it from anyone special? any story behind it? why do you always keep it on? i usually wear rings and other things, but these 2 beauties are always on me: a slim gold chain thats goes throw a small hollow jade stone. the chain is from my grandmother and she let me pick something out from her coveted stash before letting my to-be-sister-in-law at the time take her pick hahah. the jade stone I got years before that with my mum who has a matching stone. The gold and jade together kinda makes it feel like I always got my grandmother and mum with me :)) a bracelet that’s half-gold half-thin red rope thingy. It meets in the middle at a round gold piece with the symbol 福, which is good luck. it was my mum’s and she gave it to me to wear for my uni grad and I just never took it off hehe (As you can tell, love stealing jewellery from my family)