My all time favorite Prince song: a weird, warped little blip of a thing from his Sign O’ the Times LP that bites from Joni Mitchell, spins a tale of instant attraction + the dangers thereof and tells you basically all you need to know about the dude on what would have been his 66th born day. 🎂 💜
I wrote a tribute to him just after he passed for Magnet:
Love the part where he goes, "'My favorite song,' she said, and it was Joni singin 'Help me, I think I'm falling'" — and he breaks into the melody, just like Joni does with the Frankie Valli song on the radio in "This Flight Tonight"
My friend Bintou has gotten me obsessed with indie black drama/thrillers that are like straight to Tubi (a Tubi original). It will literally look like it was shot on an iPhone but will be more captivating than any criterion film I’ve ever seen. I had no idea just how limitless you could be with little to no budget. My favorites are: Nasty by Breah Stevens and Deadly Secrets by Lemastor Spratling.
This is my go-to tarot lady. An evil demon from my past recommended her to me so I’m probably secretly being cursed with every video I watch but when this tarot lady is right she’s soooooo right.