This year I finally remembered that I do know how to read. Was given a copy of this for my birthday from Claire! So far I’ve finished 3 books this year, and this one will be my 4th. I’m hoping to be able to call myself a twitter academic intellectual by the end of the year
Sep 25, 2023

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I had some weird obsession with Mad Magazines when I was a kid. Looking at the older editions was some fun hobby I had to try to sift through the previous decades of culture. However, no one ever cared about this weird niche obsession for obvious reasons in my junior high years and earlier. When I came across Letters From a Nut during this time in my life, I finally had found a book that could share this comical joy. In this book a man who is very much the forebearer of the concept from Palmer Trolls, creating elaborate scenarios in the book with detail and complexity that make the letters as if they have to be real. Later in my life, I had discovered how to be serious and finally had transmuted my Sorrows of Young Whether melancholy to the power of solitude and creating an inner life through enjoying alone time.
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