My mom’s an artist. I grew up with hundreds of these pens around the house. I am not subtle, I need Thick Dark lines; I hate writing with #2 pencils (HB). I need 2B or darker.
classic i think. i love writing with it, its sososo satisfying, too. but honestly i love writing with pencils. especially drawing and sketching i do with pencils. i only use B or 2B pencils though, idk why. ig cause its really smooth?
I need lots of pens on hand. It writes smooth and the black ink looks darker than the Pilot G2. They’re cheap enough that I don’t feel bad if I lose them, but they still feel nicer than most other pens.
The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether they eat little or much, but as for the rich, their abundance permits them no sleep. (5:12)
incredibly depressed guy in the old testament is actually based