I’m obsessed with what Disney has been and become. Like I am enamored with the history, the lore, everything about it (I have watched so many defunctland videos it's disturbing.) Firstly, I can’t believe Disney began with a man drawing something and now Disneyland alone brings in like 11 million dollars a day. It’s genuinely unbelievable. And I think it’s so sweet how people get connected to these drawn characters through storytelling, through seeing little parts of themselves in it, it’s just beautiful. It’s so crazy what art in collaboration with capitalism can do, and the empire astounds, boggles, disturbs and inspires me beyond. BESIDES all of this stuff, I love Disneyland as it’s like the one place that is so overstimulating to me and immersive that I literally can go there and not think about anything else. It’s like the most wholesome form of escapism and it means so much to me being able to do that, just pull up to Disneyland and disassociate into like a cartoon from the 1940s. I love the early Hollywood vibes and lore associated with it, the earliest cartoons are my favorite. Ok one more thing. ALSO the dark underbelly is so interesting to me. Like how anything that is advertising being front-facing ideal and perfect is fucked up (obviously.) Also my EP cover was shot there