These have saved me from losing sleep on my travels so many times. First, finding myself in a hotel nextdoor to a synagogue that hosted loud children in their yard at 7am singing dreidel songs at full volume. And now, this moment, finding myself at a boarding school where my dorm mate is a 55-year old woman from Norway, our beds two feet apart. I adore her, we squeeze hands goodnight before bed, but she listens to loud podcasts while she sleeps and snores abundantly. I almost stopped loving her. But then, I just click on the noise-cancel feature and everything disappears.
Aug 15, 2023

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Related Recs

are you often surrounded by loud sounds that make you angry?  cop some over-ear noise cancelling headphones, put them on with some ear plugs in and pipe some white noise into them.  Someone could be screaming in your face and you can’t hear them.  it’s like walking around with your head in an invisible air conditioner.-
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block out the noises of the person snoring next to you or the birds in the morning. why not both?
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these specific ear plugs. ear plugs are a huge part of my life and it’s got to be these, i’ll explain why. i can only really relax and turn off if i have these in. if you squeeze them hard and get them pretty deep in the ear canal they will expand and create a 33db block of all sound, which for me is the absolute height of mediation and calm. must be specifically these and not just any old ear plug because a lot of other brands remove the harmful frequencies, but still let too much in. i sleep with them every night, and wear them throughout the day if i need to feel removed. what’s most interesting to me about having this range blocked out is that i feel it’s almost impossible to access anger with these in.
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Green tea and coffee serve different purposes. Coffee is felt in the nerves and digestive system, and it gets you up and going in all directions. I love throwing myself into that feeling. Green tea opens the heart and throat, great for making connections and speaking. I always drink it before doing a podcast, having a meeting, or going out to socialize. And, there’s never any come down. Just a steady high of giving alertness.
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Mochi is the perfect ice cream portion. With a pint, you can accidentally eat the whole thing. With Mochi you have one and you’re like, oh, great, done. Mochi has boundaries. I need to get better at boundaries. I keep crossing them - with people, love, food, promises, staying up late. I tell myself that truth is found in extremes and often act upon this belief. I do get results, yes, which is why it’s hard to change… I guess it’s not so bad. There’s a lot to gain. Just be ready for the clean-up job.
Aug 15, 2023