A once- favoured first date spot which I overused and now only go to alone, either to smoke furiously in the yard if in a mood about something, or to watch Jeopardy at the bar with the bartender and other strays
Jul 25, 2023

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First time trying a spot a couple blocks from me and wow it won’t be the last. Especially funny that I fled my usual spot for noise/bad music and ended up somewhere so delectable.
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a secret alley bar with immaculate vibes and bingo ? say less
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they just don’t open bars like anchovies anymore. it‘s narrow and dark inside. the stools are uncomfortable and wooden booths are tight. The drinks are stiff and priced to sell. Staff is charismatic but takes no shit. Clientele is regular and diverse. Kitchen is open LATE which is impossibly rare in boston. The only place i go to drown my sorrows in cheap beer and chicken parm.
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