My pill organizer (simple white plastic with blue sans-serif lettering for the days of the week: SMTWTFS) was a gift from my boyfriend. I used to have to announce whenever I took my vitamins (“HERE I AM TAKING MY VITAMINS!”) so that someone else in the house could corroborate that I'd done it. Now I rely only on the case. I love collecting the pills from their compartment in the morning—I imagine this is what it feels like to collect eggs from a chicken coop–and I love refiling them all when the week is up. Each of the little closures has a satisfying snap. As an aside, I once heard that not all countries consider Sunday the first day of the week. I wonder if their pill cases say MTWTFSS instead.
Jun 6, 2023

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Optical 88 is an optometrist in Chinatown that turns around prescriptions in a single day for $80. Just bring the glasses you want to fill and your prescription and they will treat you like a queen. I think they'll also check your prescription for free but I'm not sure because I already had mine, that's just what the girls at Fabulous Fanny's told me. That's where I bought my frames btw—if you want to make a real day of it, start there, pick out some frames, then walk 10 minutes to Optical 88 and you'll be set in 24 hours.
Jun 6, 2023