A near perfect vampire anime that I was turned on to by my emo Latino friends in Orange County (California) as a teen. It was originally drawn as a hentai manga by the Rubenesque Kouta Hirano, who eventually replaced the sex with extreme violence and sold it as a show. I bought a bootleg Hellsing shirt in London a few years ago and was stabbed the first night I wore it out. The shirt is still covered in dried blood on the sides. I wore it for the first time in years a couple of weeks ago.
May 10, 2023

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This is probably less of a choice and more of a personality defect. It’s ultimately an alienating and soul crushing way to live your life. But there is no way to be successful without being highly critical, at least as an editor. The danger is when you turn it on yourself and people you are close to (inevitable). In a culture where we’re sold blind positivity (profit motive), it's important to stay critical, to stay on your toes. As an editor this is most important. But it’s also important to be an “A-type” thinker instead of a “B-type” thinker: you have to offer ways to improve what it is you’re criticizing, and not just be critical for the sake of criticizing.
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Favorite architect, still alive and teaching in Kyoto. His buildings are all formally bizarre in terms of structure and ratio and there’s a theory that him and other Japanese architects of his generation purposefully do not adhere to western architectural proportions and aesthetic ideals as a silent protest against the west because of the war and the nuclear fallout that many of them endured as children.  He is also a terrific fiction writer. I’ve been trying to get him to write for the magazine for some time now. Apparently he used to beat his employees with a T-ruler.
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