Years ago, one of my best friends Tyler (a fashion designer you should also check out), brought me home a stowaway snail she found at this plant shop she worked at at the time. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts as a pet mom, it escaped from its tank (rude...and trust issues-inducing!!!!). Iā€™ve since left showing my love and respect for the slime balls to the tattoo of a snail under a disco ball I have on my arm and the framed needlepoint snail that hangs above my mantel.
Nov 23, 2021

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My friend - whom I've known since we were 7 - went to a beach town & brought back a preserved starfish for me. Life has never been sweeter.
Feb 22, 2025
These are SO COOL!!! My grandmother used to collect them--she had a swan and several ducks which now festoon my parentsā€™ guest room--and my parents bought a mouse for me, because they call me ā€œMouse.ā€ But someone stole it when I had a party! Terrible behavior. Good thing it was years ago and I now have all-new friends. At any rate: I love the little boxes for letters and jewelry, I LOVE the pigs, and I think the miniature snakes ROCK. If my boyfriend and I ever move out of our cozy shoebox apartment Iā€™ll start a collection in earnest.
Mar 30, 2021

Top Recs from @emma-orlow

I donā€™t care how old I get, I will always be obsessed with dollhouse miniatures. Theyā€™re also a very practical thing to collect if you live in a cramped New York City apartment. One of the few, cool places on the UES is this store thatā€™s been around for thirty years, that sells things like mini cheese balls, boba, a lava lamp, and teeny tiny orange Crocs. Relatedly, I am also fond of those trick fake food sculptures that look like milk spilled that you can get online.
Nov 23, 2021
Huge pickle fan over here. Just know that I am the kinda gal who will always ask you if you want your spear at a diner!!! Iā€™m devastated that Brooklyn doesnā€™t have more options for Polish pickle soup. Karczma in Greenpoint is one of the rare spots that does it but there are some recipes online if you donā€™t live near there and want to give it a go on your own. As the temperature drops, I canā€™t recommend it enough ā€” itā€™s the perfect balance of tart and creamy. Sometimes I dream of owning my own lunch counter with pickle soup and pickle backs on deck.
Nov 23, 2021
One of the ways I self-soothe when I have a really bad migraine (theyā€™ve plagued me my whole life) is Iā€™ll whip one of these bad boys out. They double as a way that I love flirting with a crush by encouraging them to massage my scalp with these ;)
Nov 23, 2021