Muting people is free therapy. I'm telling you - out of sight, out of mind. Unfollowing can be messy and scary (for no reason) so the next best thing to take someone off your mind and your feed is a quick MUTE. I do this on Twitter and Instagram when I'm just not vibing with someone's vibes. It's not always a permanent thing; sometimes I mute someone for a couple of weeks, just so I can miss them a bit. I think it's easy to forget that you're in charge of your own social media consumption - you don't need to see everyone, everyday. The person you muted obviously won't know they've been muted, so you don't need to worry about any sus confrontations. Sometimes I'll even mute people for being too hot. Like...I don't need to be seeing you on the daily, sir. Try the mute button today!
Jul 20, 2021

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I’m done being a hater… time to be a forgetter. nobody annoying me on my own feed. sometimes I follow and immediately mute. join me be free
Feb 21, 2024
Very much the best decision I ever made. I would highly recommend it if you ever find yourself stressed out or overwhelmed by something. ✨Just delete it✨ Just nike it It doesn't have to be forever. Just for a bit – KitKat
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sometimes the things that the internet offers you feel like they’re poking an open wound and you need to delete Instagram for 10-24 hours. this app has helped me do that bc for better or worse… I need to be Scrolling On Phone and this is much more calm
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I know. I know. Miss Joe did that. They are exactly what they say they are - rice cake thins dipped in dark chocolate on one side. I've experimented so I can tell you that putting them in the freezer is the way to go. The chocolate hardens a bit but the rice cake stays the same (cardboard-y and delicious). The best way to enjoy them is to take two of them and - wait for it - put peanut butter in the middle. Hello, healthy peanut butter cup! I know it's not actually healthy, but it really does feel like a crunchy treat you'd find at, like, the farmer's market. They're good alone, too, so please don't think peanut butter is required in order to enjoy them. They come in a yellow package so they're hard to miss on the shelves. Pretty sure they're in the snack aisle. What am I saying? Trader Joe's is one big snack aisle.
Jul 20, 2021
Though none of my four money trees have secured me a Chanel bag YET, I have faith that they will come through in time. If you're on the market for a lovely leafy plant that's easy to keep alive, I would suggest the money tree! They're pretty available at most bodegas and they're not super expensive, which is ironic. I've also just learned to talk to my plants so I've been trying to initiate convos with them whenever they seem a bit droopy. I don't have any pets but I'm assuming it's kind of like talking to a cat? They obviously don't talk back but they definitely hear me. Repotting is the tough part - they grow super quick so I'm constantly wondering if they need to be put in bigger pots. Perhaps that just means I'm about to win the lotto or something.
Jul 20, 2021
I got a SolaWave last month and I pick it up almost nightly. It's this futuristic wand thing that combines microcurrents (tea) with red light therapy (wig) to make your skin....better? It gets warm and vibrates while you lightly wave it over your skin. I kept seeing it in Instagram ads so to try the real thing is very satisfying. You know, after watching complete strangers get paid to talk about how they don't have wrinkles anymore because of it. Wonderful! I'm luckily not old enough to have that many wrinkles, but I think it does even out tone and make my skin tighter? All I know is that I've tried Gua Sha and it was very hard to stick to. I think this has a similar vibe of being something-you-Do-for-your-Skin, but it's more futuristic and does the work for you. For my aesthetic-oriented people, the wand itself is this gorgeous brushed ombre metal and it looks swag on a nightstand.
Jul 20, 2021