This is the best subscription I’ve ever had. For $15 a month, you get a new independent magazine sent to you. Think Apartamento, Cereal, and Racquet. Some fancy indie mags can cost way more than $15, so this is a good deal, too! It’s a great way to discover new magz, and I love that you get a handpicked lil surprise (they don’t tell you what’s coming!) at the end of each month.
Apr 22, 2021

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Such a nice monthly surprise and you can cut cool pictures out for collaging.. what more could you ask for?
Nothing feels as good as unsubscribing, but you’re gonna want to hold on to a physical subscription or two, if for no other reason then ambiance. Personally, I recommend American Affairs and The New Criterion, a couple of quality periodicals with good aesthetics that some may call “fascist,” but I call respectable. Reading magazines will help you improve your attention span and cut through the wasteland of takes. God knows we could all use some of that.
Aug 23, 2022
Spending the💰guilts me into getting through them. It’s nice to get something fun in the mail and support writers. I subscribe to The Baffler and The Drift and The New York Review of Books refuses to stop coming to my house. Would love to learn what other folks are subscribing to but I will say that I personally think the New Yorker allows articles to go on for too long.
Oct 21, 2024

Top Recs from @elise-bang

If you told me I could only have one fancy skincare product it would be this one. Have you tried putting on moisturizer while your skin is super dry? Yeah it sucks. Not only does this toner have tons of Vitamin B and antioxidants, it preps your skin for moisturizer, allowing it to actually soak into your skin, instead of laying on the surface. This is one of those products where if I stop using it, there is a noticeable difference in the texture of my skin. I’m biased towards Aēsop (which you can hear more about on my first podcast episode hehe), but they truly make lovely products!
Apr 22, 2021
Button up? Button down? You can find a big white button up at any thrift store (check for stains, though) or I also like this one from Entireworld. I love a good collared shirt, and a white button up is both ~chill~ and ~chic~ and also works for like any temperature. I know you all have one laying around from your embarrassing Risky Business or Mia Wallace Halloween costumes from college.
Apr 22, 2021
I’m watching Gossip Girl for the first time ever (I know, crazy), and I’m so in love with it. The characters, the cameos (Kim Gordon? Robyn? Hilary Duff?), the fits...all unmatched. I have three tennis skirts now. I straight up watch it alone in bed and audibly gasp and yell at the characters through my screen. I also have a folder of screenshots for every time they say something ridiculous. It’s very quotable, the characters are very lovable (and hateable), and the New York/pop culture references are top tier.
Apr 22, 2021