I am a girl who changes her hair a lot. I hadn’t been that kind of girl though, but now I am. I think that mood, artistry and life itself really informs my perspective on my personal self image and perception of beauty, so I’m always looking to appear differently or uniquely, or as a somewhat different version of myself. Hair to me, is the biggest tool and canvas in how to change one’s appearance - even more so than makeup. In 2019 there was a point where I bleached literally my entire scalp and eyebrows (as a lot of people are now doing in this present day)… My hair was in twists, and so I looked like this character from a cartoon or anime in a majestic way. Yassified Super Saiyan! I’d still been a highschooler then, and that was the most free I’d ever felt with my image up to that point. To me, that was a real testament to the power of hair. From that point on my life became a pipeline from wigs to eventually protective hairstyles and I lived for every second of it. I still do!
Apr 10, 2023

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It has been a long and painful journey of daring myself to not touch my growing out buzzcut. No bleaching, no chopping, nothing drastic! It was only until one and a half years later that I have allowed myself to bleach my hair again, this time to revel in how a small tweak can change me; I am malleable by the care and intention that I put into my body. I change because I choose to, because I have decided, with love for myself and not hatred for what I have, that it is time. 💓
Feb 14, 2025
for ages i'd been terrified to do anything out of the ordinary with my appearance - middle school is a rough experience for everyone, i think, and i got the REALLY short end of the stick. but people mature, slowly start to care less about how others choose to express themselves, start to treat others as real people. and now i have friends that love my neon, glow-under-uv-light, radioactive, eye-burningly green hair ^_^ and i love it too !
Funny (tragic) how I (my mom) kept it short my whole life until I graduated college and I decided to grow it out and discovered that my hair’s very curly! Ngl it’s so expensive and so much more work to maintain compared to keeping it short but I’ve gotten used to it. I also think I got lucky in figuring out a good routine with products that work for me pretty quickly. Growing my curls out has been transformational and absolutely worth it. Compliments from others is always nice but trust that no one loves my hair more than meeeeeee We don’t talk about the short-haired version of me in the past lmao the glow-up was REAL
Jun 12, 2024

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Traveling as a disabled person is really quite daunting for a lot of reasons, mostly because of accessibility versus inaccessibility in countries outside of the US (most of the US itself outside of NYC is painfully inaccessible). Last year during fashion month in September was my first time traveling to Europe – I went to Milan with my dad and my agent and I had like, the absolute best time ever. Much to my surprise. I love Europe! I know every country has its nuances and its things going on that’s really important to actually understanding that country, but just to have a pleasant experience in terms of being a physically disabled trans woman who is Black in a new country like that, was really relieving and exhilarating. I even made a dear friend who is a fellow trans woman while being in Milan for that time. The Duomo was extremely lively, and I found out that I really like aperol spritzes and gelato. Their pasta is also simply elite. I hope this isn’t controversial to say in any way but I love England just as much as well! I have been able to be there the past two months for some very special experiences - included being able to speak and debate at the Oxford Union, at Oxford University! Everyone has been incredibly sweet and I love my modeling agency and my agents out there. I really love chips. Completely obsessed with chips… and I really enjoyed going to the Tate for the first time with my best friend and his boyfriend!
Apr 10, 2023
The Museum of Modern Art is my all time favorite museum in the city and has been for as long as I can remember. That says a lot & holds a lot of weight because I’ve been going there and admiring it all since I was about 12 years old. I’d been a part of an extracurricular program for children with disabilities where I was there as a kid to immerse myself in all the different types of art that they had to offer. This was immeasurable for me as a young artist, and a disabled artist at that. That experience was my introduction to the MoMA, and since then I’d been hooked - for lack of better words. As a now 21 going on 22-year-old (by the time this comes out I’ll be 22), it is in my opinion, the most communal of all the museums in the city. You can be ratchet and free with your friends within the walls of the MoMA and enjoy and learn about any type of art or anything related to art there, and that’s literally just what is - you just kind of lose yourself there til doors close at 5:30.
Apr 10, 2023
Currently, I am writing this while literally wearing my famous (lol I just say that) pair of black fuzzy UGG boots. UGGs are phenomenal, okay?! As a disabled woman - spending most of my time in a wheelchair constantly, throughout my life it’s been very hard for me to take footwear very seriously as I feel like nobody’s actually ever looking at my feet. Unless I’m walking runway, or shooting for a client… then people are observing my feet, perhaps. I really treasure my feet feeling comfortable on a day-to-day basis, and UGGs really deliver that for me! I don’t think that UGGs are ugly, I think that people are just bad at styling themselves and aren’t brave enough like me to wear UGGs with almost anything. Now now, I’m not saying I wear UGGs all the time because that is not at all true actually. What I am saying though - is to not sleep on UGGs.
Apr 10, 2023