My all time favorite show of the last few years. I’m halfway through a podcast recap series (on Seeking Derangements with Ben Mora & Hesse Deni, the first few episodes are free and the rest are on patreon). Here’s the elevator pitch: Three self-made billionaires are dropped in small American cities with fake identities and none of their possessions or contacts. With only a truck, a smartphone and $100 in their pocket, can they prove the American dream is still alive by starting businesses that reach a 1 Million dollar valuation in just three months??Ever since becoming a business owner I’ve done a deep dive into business media like this because it really gamifies life into a speedrun where now the variables and game elements are people and products and prices and logistics systems. It’s like applying D&D game theory to all of the connected economies in a city, which sounds stupid except they’re kind of right. Real life is just like that!
Mar 29, 2023

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Mar 29, 2023