Ancient Egyptians believed that once you die your soul makes a leap into this spot in the heavens. There you must pass a series of tests before gaining entry into the afterlife. New Year’s Eve 2020, I smoked DMT in a hotel room in Orlando, Florida and tried to astral project myself to the nebula. Luckily, I went somewhere else. To find the Orion Nebula in the night sky look to the constellation of Orion, below his belt, at a cluster of light some say is his sword but looks like his penis.
Apr 3, 2023

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I live in a Bortle class 9 area (inner-city/ terrible light pollution) so taking pictures of the night sky is a lot of trial and error, pointing my camera in a general direction and blindly shooting at sub-200 iso and screwing around with varying lengths of exposure. Last night I sat in my driveway for three hours with a mug of tea and finally captured a very cruddy image of something mildly interesting: That little pinkish half circle in the middle is M42, the Orion Nebula. It’s a cloud of hydrogen gas and dust 8 quadrillion miles from my back yard, which means that the picture you’re looking at is actually from 1,500 years ago. The nebula is 12 times larger than our entire solar system and has around 700 baby suns incubating inside it.

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That thing is your style. Probably it’s still raw, which is why others don’t see what you see. Refine your thing, your idiosyncrasy. Sharpen it but don’t smooth out all the rough edges, these are what stick in people’s brains. Be inelegant. Be brave.
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You have to be a member to shop here. Members only. Sorry. It’s called luxury branding. Can’t let just anybody in on these deals. These softer than soft, warm, fuzzy deals. Better luck in the next life. What’s that, you don’t need a membership to buy online? Aw naw!
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