A dietary program I invented to get me through inexplicable phases during which I lose my appetite. Instead of not eating (BAD), I will eat:This is designed to be the gustatory equivalent of a sensory deprivation chamber. Eventually you’ll begin to crave all kinds of complex and rich foods, duck and octopus and mushrooms and horseradish and finally having them will be like going from black and white to Technicolor. Going through this process always makes me so grateful for the insane variety of foods we have available to us in our modern world, like it actually makes me want to cry just thinking about how we live in the yummiest time in human history. Works best if you prepare all the white noise elements in advance and just kind of graze mindlessly between them like a cow in a pasture.
Mar 27, 2023

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sometimes i don't want to feel hungry but food makes me feel gross. if you can drink your calories instead of eating them you can fill up quicker. and you don't have to think as much about the taste. or even chew. i usually chuck everything into a blender. sometimes i make kits with all the ingredients before i get hungry. i know some folks would call this a smoothie. but you can think of it however you like. maybe it's a soup. maybe it's a stew. maybe it's a salad. who says you can't have a salad in liquid form? the best part is you can pick and choose ingredients. try to figure out what your body needs. sugar? try fresh or frozen fruit! fat? use up some of that coconut oil you thought would be a good moisturizer! protein? throw in some nuts or dairy. or maybe you like protein powder. i don't. but it doesn't matter. there are two hacks if you feel extra spicy depressed and need even more help. the first is to plug your nose. don't taste it! it's only going to be in your mouth for a few seconds. and the second? don't look at it! use a water bottle that you can't see the inside of. or just close your eyes. i used to stress about finding the right color. it would come out looking like mud and i would lose my appetite even more. don't do what i did. it doesn't need blueberries or pomegranate seeds or food coloring. if you don't like the way it tastes don't taste it. if you don't like the way it looks don't look at it.

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