Maybe it’s because one time I was lucky enough to live in a house with a sauna, or as a rowdy teenager I spent after-hours on weekends at London’s gay bathhouses, but, truly, still, at least once a week I need to decompress in a spa. When I lived in the Bay Area, I’d go to the Kabuki or the Russian Banya, and sit in silence and sweat. In L.A. I’ll nip down to Koreatown. Even the seedy spas are fab. I just want to exfoliate. Pls send spa tips 🙏🏼

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I live for the sauna and ice plunge combo. It’s my favorite way to de-stress. City Spa is my fave - they have the hottest rock sauna in LA and they are coed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. When I want something more serene, I go to Olympic in Ktown. Their steam room is cut with mugwort and their deep sea facial will make you look five years younger.
May 2, 2023
NYC has some really great and affordable spas. RussIan and Turkish Baths is a classic. If you go to one in KTown it means you can a nice Korean meal after
Feb 16, 2024
I went to the Korean spa for the first time with my bestie last night and it was a profoundly nourishing experience on every level. we were having deep heart to hearts while schvitzing it out in the sauna and it felt like my soul was being cleansed. there are these tubs of different temperatures and this basin full of mugwort water with empty bowls so you can pour it over yourself, and all these magical heated rooms with different scents and properties. I also saw people carrying giant bottles of spa water with chopped mango and mint and they were like $20 each but they looked sooo good. next time I also want to go to the Korean restaurant inside and the tea room.
Feb 8, 2025

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I’ll wear them until they are just raggedy scraps of leather hanging off my feet. I usually go for a sturdy boot situation—right now it’s the R.M Williams Craftsman boot—I’ll wear them to traipse through a bog one day and to a wedding the next.
Cleanliness is godliness ! ESP when that cleanliness is given to you by 20,000 year old water from deep inside our earth. I have a whole map saved on my phone of secret and not-so-secret hot springs all over the USA and Europe. Happiest when dunked in hot water (*see spas, above)
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