Cute formalism is a music genre that originated in the late 90s, predominantly centered around Nobukazu Takemura’s label Childisc. The genre was coined by genius/creepazoid Momus in a sort of problematic japanophilic blog post from 2001, wherein he cites Greenberg, Barthes, Brecht, and others to basically argue that being cute can be an artistic tool for subversive ostranenie. The genre is light, funny, weird, odd, and soft. Boing boing, tee hee, oopsie daisy type beats. Check out suppa micro pamchopp’s Obake, Angela Kohlermann’s Care, Aki Tsuyuko’s Ongakushitsu, Nobukazu Takemura’s Songbook, Manoir Molle’s Manoir, and all of Anne Laplantine’s discography.