This is probably the best art museum in the city even though its goal is to be plainly didactic and show off some dinosaur bones. Just look at those dioramas. Itā€™s all Off. As my colleague Louis Osmosis might say, itā€™s giving kunst. Philanthropy chic. I love that some corners of this place havenā€™t seen any sprucing up since like the 90ā€™s. It feels abandoned and too big for its own good; each section suggests varying degrees of attendance and funding so thereā€™s a weird fragmented feel to walking through the entire museum. Some rooms have flickering lights and are mad dusty. Definitely for fans of Baudrillardā€™s Simulacra and Simulations lol! I recommend going in the winter time.
Aug 11, 2022

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Aug 11, 2022