Now is the portion of my perfectly imperfect piece where everything goes out the window and I become a complete hypocrite after talking about skincare and collagen renewal, because I'm about to add cigarettes to my list of recommendations. I know they're horrible for you. I know they will kill you. But let’s face it; we're all gonna die, it's only a question of when and how - and some days we’re more in the mood to speed up the process than others. So when it’s that kind of day, and you’re feeling emo or sexy or stressed, and wanting to have a social anxiety relieving prop in your hand or simply partake in a sexy ritualistic experience with someone who is also smoking - there’s nothing like having a cigarette. Going outside for a smoke with another person and someone lighting your cigarette, you touch their hand briefly to cover the flame. It’s all so fucking sexy/intimate/special. A brief loneliness eliminator! HOWEVER, the only cigarette I’m recommending are Capri cigarettes - the PURPLE pack. Purple Capris are the ultra light of the Capri line. Here's a bone I have to pick with Capri cigarettes (aside from the fact that they literally kill people), they don't label the strength level of the cigarette. You have to Google what the color of the pack means. My god, get it together Capri cigarettes. Good thing they're so addictive that people will just deal with this kind of bullshit. They're so slender and chic. You’ll feel like you're straight out of the '70s or '80s, hanging with Bianca Jagger NOT waiting in line for Studio 54. Smoking this cigarette will get you RIGHT to the front of the line. They’re effortlessly chic. Which is my favorite way to describe something I love.