Condiments, we love. But I’m tryna get even easier. Straight to the source. You want to give me a flavor bomb to really shift the game up? Put some leaves in it. I’m super into dill. Truly not to be weird but if you tear up a bunch of dill and put it in some plain yogurt with salt and pepper, lemon juice or vinegar to approximate buttermilk, maybe grate some garlic and onion if you’re a ranch fan… you can dip anything in that. Potato chips, cucumbers, you can toss veggies or legumes or whatever protein, you can add a splash of water and make it drizzle-able like a dressing and now we’re back to a condiment. Oh yeah, mint. If you’re not putting mint in your salad or on your sandwich or on your fruit or in your water, you’re missing. Micro herbs and micro greens are also the confetti of flavor surprises.
Jul 7, 2022

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