This is anything. Lemon juice, sure. Immunity stuff, even better. But I’m mostly talking about these little bullshit individual serving size powder sticks to put in your water bottle to make it taste more exciting. They make so many iconic american flavors like Pink Starburst and Arizona Tea and Grape Skittles, but my favorite are the Gatorade ones. We travel a lot to places with limited access to our distinctly teenage taste in beverages, so wielding the ability to turn water into Gatorade is nearly biblical. Listen, my grown adult man husband really perpetuates this lifestyle but the thing I learned about being an adult is that you can do it any way you want. Like you would for a child. Or a dog. I put my dog’s medicine in a spoonful of peanut butter. Why would I not put my hydration in something that tastes like a late night run to a 7-11, or an icy cooler emptied over your head after you won the big game? I definitely finesse the ratio because they can be really flavorful and I like the threat of the flavor more than the full experience, but do you. It’s worth noting that they also make root beer sticks, and Celsius energy ones, so you can mix them with sparkling water or whatever. There’s nootropics and vitamins and I’ve seen Margaritaville brand ones if you’re into mixology or alchemy, the possibilities are endless. I think these are all bad for you.
Jul 7, 2022

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