When I first moved to Melbourne / Naarm, I had no friends, was struggling to find my community and was pushing a double digit daily screen time - I'm serious when i say my clock radio fixed all of these problems.
After realising that 2 hours of tik-tok before bed and first thing in the morning was a bad thing, I decided my phone and I couldn't sleep in the same room and so I purchased my gorgeous bedside clock radio to wake me up in the mornings. It has quickly become the most important item on my bedside table and randomly a go-to gift for my loved ones ($19, free delivery, hello??).
It was originally purchased simply as an alarm clock but I have fallen in love with the radio aspect of my bedside alarm clock radio. Being slowly roused by my local community radio station is, IMO, the best way to wake up in the morning and the idea of going back to iphone marimba sends shivers down my spine.
Not only is it a much gentler way to wake up, but i found it really helped in making Melbourne feel like home. All of a sudden I was in the know for gig's, driving past places I recognised, and in the loop with upcoming festivals etc. just from tuning into community radio every morning and hearing people talk about it!
And for those of you thinking you need something stronger than community radio to actually wake you up, you can set an actual beep beep alarm to go off at your get-out-of-bed-right-now time, and have the radio come on an hour before. BLISS!