I’ve been preaching the gospel of Pinterest for years. People think it's for moms and sorority girls, but it’s actually just a fundamentally useful internet tool as long as you ignore its larger ecosystem. The Pinterest Chrome plug-in? Can’t live without it. It is especially useful if you are addicted to buying things you don’t truly need. I add things to my various pinterest boards as an intermediary step between desiring said thing and purchasing it. Often after adding to Pinterest, I just forget about the item entirely. But it is also useful for actually making shopping plans for home goods or an event. I used to say Pinterest was the better Are.na, but I’ve since come to understand are.na’s specific merits for research. It should be noted that it’s very important to keep your boards and channels private on both of these platforms lest you become the target of public humiliation and/or get your steez ripped off by some middlebrow loser.