I don’t know if Sweet Charity is actually a good movie, but I know that Shirley Maclaine whips ass, and I know that I like it, so I’m recommending it. It’s the first movie Bob Fosse directed, and I think you see him leaving behind “show business” Bob Fosse, and coming into sticky, pill-fiend, All That Jazz Bob Fosse. The first time I watched it, I thought it so electric I actually muttered “what a picture!” aloud to myself…What a picture!
May 10, 2022

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recommendation image
Without a doubt, one if not the best American movie musicals of all time. Directed by Bob Fosse, I once heard someone call it “The American Version of 8 1/2” which makes so much sense. Roy Schneider plays an avatar-esque version of Bob Fosse - the film being a mirror into Fosse’s life as a choreographer. Of course, the choreography in this film is on point and so is the music (its not overly showtime-y which I love) The final number in this movie is one of my favorite movie endings of all time. Highly highly recommend it.
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