One of the reasons most of the DIY movie streamers died out is because the pandemic came to a close…but I’m sure there’ll be a new one soon enough (depending on how long the war goes on for). So, when the new lockdown hits, I just want you to know you're now entering the best time to travel. I never really got a chance to travel before COVID, but since everyone was scared to fly, tickets became super cheap and every city that’s usually flooded with tourists was suddenly chill. I was thriving (read: trying to ignore my impending divorce) in a desolate, locals-only Venice, Italy circa June 2021 and it was absolutely awesome.
Mar 10, 2022

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I was afraid of all of the things a woman has been told to be wary of when traveling solo, and thankfully none of those fears were realized. Instead, I unlocked a new appreciation for the magic of traveling alone. Whether or not it was conscious, I ended up meeting and interacting with really cool older women. One of whom, I am convinced was myself from the future. Another I had the pleasure of sharing a campsite with, her name was Lynn. She told me how she got to the states, a long and amazing story from NZ to Chile (during Pinochet) to New Mexico. The next day was her 70th birthday, she was also traveling solo 💕✨.
Jan 30, 2025

Top Recs from @eugene

Give the people you love a call, a hug, a kiss or simply a text telling them how great they are, when you feel down, confused, bored, exhausted or just find yourself doom scrolling. It makes everything better 💛
Mar 10, 2022
I guess this newsletter is partly about advising people on how to spend their money, which is not something I particularly love doing…but I will direct your attention to the war going on in Ukraine. Being from Ukraine, lots of people have asked me for context on what’s happening, but I don’t live there and don’t feel like an authority. Still what seems clear to me: Ukraine is the target of an aggressive invasion by the army of a madman who places no value on human life. The Ukrainian forces, including many civilians, are putting up an incredible fight from a defensive position. The country faces a terrible loss of life and infrastructure. The defenders will need as much support as they can get and civilians welcome all humanitarian aid. Here’s a good guide with vetted orgs, if you can help 💙THANK YOU💛 I hope with all my might this horror is over soon and that Ukrainians have peace for many generations.
Mar 10, 2022
Before this crisis, we had another one: the global pandemic. If you recall, everything shut down pretty much everywhere…which gave a few film lovers the chance to become film programmers. Using under-the-radar streaming services (like Twitch, but dodgier), several collectives started running daily movie streams. It was a refreshing alternative to going on Netflix/Hulu/Criteria and weighing the options for an hour. Instead of having to pick a movie, you just go to the URL and feast your eyes on the stream. The one I was most obsessed with was Cinephobe, but Cathode Cinema, Moviepassed and SpectacleNYC all gave me much-needed joy, as depression, despair and death colonized human consciousness. A few major discoveries were Golden Mouth, Brimstone and Treacle, Play Dirty and Scalpel. These programmers earn my gratitude and admiration. I think Cathode is the only one still going strong and I highly recommend you check it out.
Mar 10, 2022