During my travelmania, I tempted the devil by trying to get even cheaper flights and ended up with a free trial on a random site called Unpub. I forgot to cancel the trial and got auto-enrolled for a year, with a fee of $49.95. At first I was pissed BUT soon I was snagging flights at 10-50% less than their list price! EXCEPT every once in a while I notice they register my ticket with weird Russian email addresses and need me to confirm credit card numbers they already have on file. Come to think of it, this seems extremely sketchy…your call.
Mar 10, 2022

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Give the people you love a call, a hug, a kiss or simply a text telling them how great they are, when you feel down, confused, bored, exhausted or just find yourself doom scrolling. It makes everything better 💛
Mar 10, 2022
I guess this newsletter is partly about advising people on how to spend their money, which is not something I particularly love doing…but I will direct your attention to the war going on in Ukraine. Being from Ukraine, lots of people have asked me for context on what’s happening, but I don’t live there and don’t feel like an authority. Still what seems clear to me: Ukraine is the target of an aggressive invasion by the army of a madman who places no value on human life. The Ukrainian forces, including many civilians, are putting up an incredible fight from a defensive position. The country faces a terrible loss of life and infrastructure. The defenders will need as much support as they can get and civilians welcome all humanitarian aid. Here’s a good guide with vetted orgs, if you can help 💙THANK YOU💛 I hope with all my might this horror is over soon and that Ukrainians have peace for many generations.
Mar 10, 2022
One of the reasons most of the DIY movie streamers died out is because the pandemic came to a close…but I’m sure there’ll be a new one soon enough (depending on how long the war goes on for). So, when the new lockdown hits, I just want you to know you're now entering the best time to travel. I never really got a chance to travel before COVID, but since everyone was scared to fly, tickets became super cheap and every city that’s usually flooded with tourists was suddenly chill. I was thriving (read: trying to ignore my impending divorce) in a desolate, locals-only Venice, Italy circa June 2021 and it was absolutely awesome.
Mar 10, 2022