There’s this instagram account that compiles a bunch of skate edits that people made in like 2005-09 and it rocks so much. I get super nostalgic watching it. I miss seeing all the Windows Movie Maker title cards and like star wipes and shit, those need to make a comeback. Every post on there reminds me of when I first started skating. When I was nine I had my cousin take pics of me pretending to do a front crook on this bench in our backyard and I brought the pic into school and showed it to my classmates. It reminds me of that.
Jan 25, 2022

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so when i was younger i was basically a professional yoyoer, and have found a new & reframed love for it as i’ve gotten older modern yoyo is crazy on so many levels. there’s ball bearings in them so they spin forever and you can do all types of crazy tricks, and there’s mad design both aesthetic and practical involved in the yoyos themselves. was my intro to a lot of that stuff and an indirect through line to my current professional life anyway yeah it’s a dope hobby, i think you get a lot of what skateboarding gives you on the mental side in terms of battling, work, perseverance etc but without the workout or physical pain. and it’s also like skate in that it’s probably closer to art than sport. but it’s a lot of fun i recommend. i attached link insta i have for posting yoyo tricks 🫡

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